Bangla Font
Case Sensitive
Free download Shakaler Khabor Bold bangla font

About Shakaler Khabor Bold font

● CV Font System 6.0. Created By Ghulam Farooque Ahmed, Computer Village.
● Shakaler Khabor
● Bold
● CVFS6.0 Shakaler Khabor Bold v1.0
● Shakaler Khabor Bold
● ShakalerKhaborBold
● File Size: 0.04 MB

download Shakaler Khabor Bold Bangla Font
: bgybv ˆjLv :
mvGgÅi Mvb MvB-
Avgvi PGÞ cyiyl-igYx ˆKvGbv ˆf`vGf` bvB!
weGk¼ hv-wKQz gnvb m‡wÓ¡ wPi-KjÅvYKi,
AGaÆK Zvi KwiqvGQ bvix, AGaÆK Zvi bi|
weGk¼ hv-wKQz ‰j cvc-Zvc ˆe`bv AkÉzevwi,
AGaÆK Zvi AvwbqvGQ bi, AGaÆK Zvi bvix|
ZvRgnGji cv^i ˆ`GLQ, ˆ`GLQ wK Zvi cÉvY,
A¯ñGi Zvi ˆgvgZvR bvix, evwnGiGZ kv-Rvnvb|
w`eGm w`qvGQ kwî× mvnm, wbkxGZ nGqGQ ea„,
cziyl ‰GmGQ giyZ‡lv jGq bvix ˆhvMvGqGQ gaz|
bi evGn nvj, bvix eGn Rj, ˆmB Rj-gvwU wgGk’
dmj nBqv dwjqv DwVj ˆmvbvjx avGbi kxGl|

Install Way 1
● Download the Shakaler Khabor Bold font file
● Now you'll see the available Shakaler Khabor Bold TrueType
● Right-click the Shakaler Khabor Bold font and click Install
● If you're prompted to allow the program to make changes to your computer, and if you trust the source of the font, click Yes.

Install Way 2
● In your computer, all fonts are stored in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.
● You can also add Shakaler Khabor Bold font by simply drag and drop or copy/pest Shakaler Khabor Bold font files into this folder. Windows will automatically install this Shakaler Khabor Bold font.

Install Way 3
● Open the Control Panel in Windows 7 and Windows 10, 11 &... for the inslatall Shakaler Khabor Bold
● go to Control Panel > Fonts.
● In Windows 8.1, go to Control Panel > Appearance and Personalization > Fonts.
● Click on View inslatted font & pest or drag and drop Shakaler Khabor Bold
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